AM labels produced by Alien-security is an alternative to the Sensormatic DR Label Sheet format well suited for application by hand, as well as roll format for high speed machine application. Our DR labels are in a variety of formats (sheets or rolls), colors (white, black, custom color, barcode, custom printed or embossed), performance characteristics (deactivatable, non-deactivatable, non-reactivatable), and adhesive qualities (permanent or removable). Compatible with TYCO/Sensormatic and other Acousto-Magnetic (AM) 58 KHz EAS Systems and Deactivators.Thanks to advanced technology and excellent cost control, our AM labels are very competitive in price.Feel free to contact us for more details and the latest prices.
AM labels,DR labels,are security labels that set off an alarm on the door when an EAS system or retail security tagging system is installed at the entrance to detect shoplifters or act as an anti theft system to deter shoplifing.
AM labels,also known as the DR label,include sensormatic DR label and compatible AM label.
Sensormatic DR labels are produced by ADT(sensormatic), we just sell them, do not produce them, they are original sensormatic DR labels.
Our Compatible AM DR labels are an alternative to the Sensormatic DR Label. Sheet format well suited for application by hand, as well as roll format for high speed machine application. Compatible with TYCO/Sensormatic and other AM (Acousto-Magnetic) 58 KHz EAS Systems. Deactivators Equivalent EAS System Detection and Deactivation performance to TYCO/Sensormatic UltraStrip III (DR) Labels. The adhesive on the reverse of the labels has been upgraded for extra stickability.